Should your children get the same type of education you got?

9/3/20233 min read

white robot near brown wall
white robot near brown wall

Should your children get the same type of education you got?

Education has always been a deeply personal endeavor. Reflect on Benjamin Franklin's insatiable curiosity, Thomas Edison's relentless experimentation, or Shakespeare's keen observation of the human condition. None of these luminaries followed the conventional educational path we recognize today. Instead, they forged their own unique journeys, embracing the world around them and learning through experience.

Fast forward to our current era. Over the last 150 years, we've witnessed the rise of a systematic, assembly-line approach to education—a stark contrast to the individualized learning experiences of the past. Though this approach is a relative newcomer in historical terms, its influence has spanned over four generations, becoming so deeply entrenched in our society that its effectiveness is rarely examined or challenged.

However, closer scrutiny unveils troubling realities. Rather than engaging deeply with subjects and gleaning insights, today's teenagers often find themselves stuck in rigid and superficial curriculums that neither respect their individual pace nor their interests. The system prioritizes the regurgitation of answers for standardized tests, sidelining the essential art of asking insightful questions. Success in this environment often reflects more on one's ability to conform to rules than on skill acquisition or decision-making capabilities. It's more about screening than personal development.

Do you recall your own school days? The countless hours wasted on endless tests that held no value outside the school walls? The myriad of uninteresting classes you sat through, and the times you felt ill-prepared at the outset of your professional journey?

Our rapidly evolving world demands that our children be agile thinkers and learners. A system designed during the industrial age, with the primary goal of producing compliant workers and obedient citizens, now appears increasingly misaligned. Students are often bogged down in coursework that feels distant from reality and may not nurture their future ambitions or personal growth. Essential life subjects such as nutrition, cooking, breathing techniques, sales, digital marketing, self-awareness, exercise (focusing on body strength and flexibility), personal finances, and great literature are often overlooked.

Pause for a moment and consider two contrasting scenarios: In one, your child spends hours seated, passively absorbing information, consuming content strikingly similar to what you studied in your time. In the other, they're actively engaged—researching subjects that spark their curiosity, leveraging today's abundant access to information to hone their skills, and taking charge of their learning journey from the outset. Which future do you envision for them?

Furthermore, the teenage years are a phase brimming with potential. This is the time for experimentation, for making mistakes and learning from them. Numerous examples abound, especially in sports or entrepreneurship, of teenagers who excel from a young age when they pursue their passions. Yet, instead of tapping into this vibrant energy, we often see teens disengaged, attending school out of habit, meeting external expectations without true enthusiasm. Their fervent engagement on platforms like TikTok and other social media isn't a sign of disinterest in learning; rather, it highlights a disconnect between the curriculum and their personal interests.

Why limit them to classrooms? Imagine the possibilities if they were given the chance to face real-world challenges, to truly "learn by doing." Isn't that the essence of education? To prepare for life, not just for the next test. Genuine education should be a personal journey. It's about grasping concepts, connecting ideas, and applying knowledge in meaningful ways, kindling curiosity rather than suppressing it.

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